It is very certain that SEO practitioners evolve as Google keeps on evolving. With more than 500 algorithm modified per year, SEOs have been kept busy by Google adopting and reacting to recent circumstances. The year 2015 has seen the ability of SEOs to adapt become more and more difficult. Google has remained silent about most of its changes in algorithm even with those that seems to be relatively important. For SEOs to go on providing and keep up value, they need to become more agile in a significant manner. The following are some of the top themes that you should focus on so as to make your teams think with a lively mindset.

    1. Focusing on the end user
    It is quite clear with SEOs that algorithms will never cease changing. This is one of its only constants that SEOs know. Changes are made to ensure that users receive higher and better quality experiences with brands. These changes are meant for a good reason. Due to change in SEOs strategies, it has been recognized that there is much more importance when it comes to quality. Yielding an engaging and most interesting content is seen to be of much greater importance as compared to being ranked higher in search engine result page. This is as a result of it (interesting and engaging content) being what is demanded by the end user. The end user is deemed as the first priority since without them no magic can happen. SEOs strategies acts as a guide to important connections between consumer and brand be it in a matter of restructuring an internal linking, optimizing a mobile site or even executing your sites’ technical analysis.

    2. Break the Silos

    It is possible for organization’s priorities not to match those of the SEO perspective, which places search in a silo in most of the times. For SEOs to be agile, they are supposed to embrace the important impact they posses on the general performance of digital channels. In today’s world that we live on, there is abundant data and collaboration is a key. As we keep on developing an understanding of the way content and SEO fit together, we are able to strategize not only in increasing visibility, but as well as fueling inbound marketing. Focusing on internal SEO department is as crucial as it is to break down silos in a given organization.

    3. Stay tuned with Google

    It is beyond doubt that as per the moment, Google is a very powerful force and there is no way to get around it. Its changes in algorithm are meant for creating a user experience that is more powerful even though the persistence of its changes is sometimes a headache. That being said, it makes it hard to ignore Google. It is good for companies to take their time to address and understand necessary procedures so as to make the required adjustments when Google willingly announce any update before the hitting. The great lesson that we need to learn is that having your team prepared to meet changes made by Google prior to their happening is a forward thrush that we need to embrace.

    4. Have a big picture in mind
    Every time there seem to be a change in an industry, it is important to stay prepared for the effect. Being prepared for the impact means you communicate any possible opportunity or challenge with the clients, as well as internal teams. Algorithm change in a large scale is likely to have some implications for search, of which there is a possibility for the change to affect other campaigns and channels. Thinking big picture is for sure one thing that will keep you well-equipped to quickly react to changes, as you think on how to inform other segments of the organization.